Well-th Blog

The Intern Diaries (S2E4): Career-Building, But Make it Camp

By Katie Boucher / July 7, 2023

School might be out, but Camp Hightower is in full swing! The itinerary was filled to the brim for Week 4 – getting as many good bits in as we could before the July 4 holiday. Our campers soaked up the florescent light of the Chicago office and enjoyed such classics as beach volleyball (Excel training) and kayaking on the lake (another lunch-and-learn). But one thing we know for certain is they are gaining valuable life experience!

Hightower Summer Intern Class of ‘23
Finally corralled all the Chicago campers together for a pic!

Camp Counselor Scott Holsopple Shows Us the Way

This week’s lunch-and-learn featured the one and only Scott Holsopple –Chief Growth Officer and one of my personal faves. He shared his career journey thus far and, of course, a book suggestion from his Summer Reading List. Grab a hammock by the lake and get reading his 2023 rec: Educated by Tara Westover.

Hightower Chief Growth Office Scott Holsopple at lunch-and-learn with interns
Scott gave the interns what I can only assume is detailed instructions on how to capture the flag.

Marketing Intern and all-around wonderful human (and I’m not just saying that because he’s on my team) Cole Kitchens had a slam-dunk review of lunch-and-learns thus far. He said, “The lunch-and-learns are such an added benefit of interning here because you get direct access to c-suite level executives and learn about the advice, knowledge and experience that got them to where they are now.” In a stunning display of maturity, he didn’t say anything about the access to free food, but we all know that’s another check mark in the “pros” category.

Cole added, “I especially enjoyed Scott’s lunch-and-learn. He gave great insight into his position, Hightower’s growth strategy and how the various Growth teams operate and collaborate.” It’s that kind of review that really makes us feel warm and oozy inside like a toasted marshmallow on fire. TY for sharing, Cole!

Admin Interns Sing Songs Around the Bonfire*

*The bonfire is the office, where they stayed for happy hour one day. Great metaphor, right? Admin Day was an all-day training for all Hightower administrative professionals – think HR, Finance, Program Management, etc. Just the whole reason we have jobs and get paid; no big deal! At the end of the day, the team was treated to a happy hour in the office, which is always fun because it’s like instant treats after a long day. Angel among humans / HR Intern Sarah Welch says, “I had so much fun at our admin summer event! I especially loved our happy hour because it gave me an opportunity to hang out with my fellow admin interns and get to know them better! It was a blast!” High-five! Making memories with your peers is what camp is all about. That and putting shaving cream hair mold on your enemy’s head while they sleep. Or is that just Parent Trap?

Hightower interns at an all-team happy hour event
Nothing but smiles from these campers on a special excursion for Admin Day!

They also got to go on the Architecture Tour, which if you live in Chicago, you KNOW is a staple; I’ve literally done it 5 times and it doesn’t get old.

 People on architecture tour of Chicago
Architecture Boat Tour: A Classic Summer Camp activity. Photo Credit:, Ashley Baka, Intern Extraordinaire

AI Earns a Spot in the Isolation Cabin

Worried about AI taking your job? Turns out it makes mistakes, just like the rest of us. We just wanted normal, business as usual backgrounds for the Interns’ snazzy new headshots. Instead, we got this:

intern headshot with ai-generated background of time graphs and a funny hand
Excuse me?
intern headshot with ai-generated creepy industrial train car background
Straight nightmare fuel – we can’t even begin to understand where this came from…
funny repeating head from ai generative fill background
LinkedIn headshot, but make it pop art

Many thanks to Jack, Alex and Cole for being the muses behind these stunning works which will inevitably hang in the MET one day.­

Everybody’s So Creative!

Hope you enjoyed arts and crafts corner. Now it is time for us to get some shut-eye before another big week of activities. Tune in next week to see what the interns are moving the needle on with their dynamic synergies.

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